All-Atom Empirical Potential for Molecular Modeling and Dynamics Studies of Proteins
Received: September 22, 1997
In Final Form: February 6, 1998
New protein parameters are reported for the all-atom empirical energy
function in the CHARMM program. The parameter evaluation was based on a
self-consistent approach designed to achieve a balance between the internal
(bonding) and interaction (nonbonding) terms of the force field and among
the solvent-solvent, solvent-solute, and solute-solute interactions. Optimization
of the internal parameters used experimental gas-phase geometries, vibrational
spectra, and torsional energy surfaces supplemented with ab initio results.
The peptide backbone bonding parameters were optimized with respect to
data for N-methylacetamide and the alanine dipeptide. The interaction
parameters, particularly the atomic charges, were determined by fitting
ab initio interaction energies and geometries of complexes between water
and model compounds that represented the backbone and the various side
chains. In addition, dipole moments, experimental heats and free energies
of vaporization, solvation and sublimation, molecular volumes, and crystal
pressures and structures were used in the optimization. The resulting protein
parameters were tested by applying them to noncyclic tripeptide crystals,
cyclic peptide crystals, and the proteins crambin, bovine pancreatic trypsin
inhibitor, and carbonmonoxy myoglobin in vacuo and in crystals. A detailed
analysis of the relationship between the alanine dipeptide potential energy
surface and calculated protein Phi, Psi angles was made and used in optimizing
the peptide group torsional parameters. The results demonstrate that use
of ab initio structural and energetic data by themselves are not sufficient
to obtain an adequate backbone representation for peptides and proteins
in solution and in crystals. Extensive comparisons between molecular dynamics
simulations and experimental data for polypeptides and proteins were performed
for both structural and dynamic properties. Energy minimization and dynamics
simulations for crystals demonstrate that the latter are needed to obtain
meaningful comparisons with experimental crystal structures. The presented
parameters, in combination with the previously published CHARMM all-atom
parameters for nucleic acids and lipids, provide a consistent set for condensed-phase
simulations of a wide variety of molecules of biological interest.